
Analysis of “Celeste” by Extremely OK Games

Amelia Saad


July 7, 2023


Analysis of “Celeste” by Extremely OK Games

"Celeste," one of EXOK's most successful games, was released in 2018 and quickly gained a cult following and widespread popularity. The game follows the journey of a young woman named Madeline as she climbs a treacherous mountain, facing her inner demons along the way. "Celeste" is known for its challenging gameplay and its sensitive portrayal of mental illness, and has been praised for its message of self-acceptance and perseverance. It is a game that centers around the journey of its female protagonist, Madeline, as she climbs a treacherous mountain. Throughout the game, Madeline struggles with anxiety and self-doubt, which are presented as physical manifestations in the form of a dark version of herself. The game delves deep into the female perspective by exploring the ways in which societal pressure, self-doubt, and mental illness can affect women in particular. 

One of the most striking aspects of "Celeste" is the way in which it presents mental illness. Rather than demonizing or pathologizing Madeline's struggles, the game treats them with sensitivity and empathy. By presenting Madeline's dark alter ego as a physical manifestation of her anxieties, the game invites players to empathize with her struggle and to understand that mental illness is not a moral failing, but a real and difficult challenge. The enemies in Celeste are not aliens that have come to take over the earth, they are yourself. A darker and more sinister side of yourself that you need to accept to conquer more difficult challenges. Similar to how Roberta Williams used what was around her everyday life to create her games, Madeleine's biggest enemy and challenge is herself. Using what is most available whether it is your own home or your own mind is something female developers use to create meaningful games. No one knows you better than yourself, for better and for worse sometimes.


Another way in which "Celeste" explores the female perspective is through its portrayal of societal pressure and toxic perfectionism. Throughout the game, Madeline is haunted by the expectations of others, including her own internalized beliefs about what she should, and is, able to accomplish. This pressure is presented as a formidable obstacle, one that Madeline must overcome in order to achieve her goals. By highlighting the ways in which women are often expected to be perfect and to succeed despite obvious economic and societal setbacks, the game offers a powerful critique of gendered expectations and the toll they can take on mental health.

Through her work at EXOK, Maddy Thorson has become a leading voice in the indie game development community. She has inspired many young female developers with her thoughtful approach to game design and her commitment to creating games that are both entertaining and meaningful. Thorson has also spoken about the challenges of being a woman in a male-dominated industry. In an interview with Kotaku, she described feeling like an outsider in the early days of her career and feeling like she had to prove herself constantly in order to be taken seriously. She has also spoken about the pressure to conform to gendered expectations, such as being expected to work for less money or to be less assertive than her male colleagues.

Amelia Saad