It can be hard to take time for yourself, especially when it seems like everyone around you is constantly in “go go go” mode. There is so much pressure in high school to sit attentively all day, to have extra things after school and then to do several hours of homework at night! However, the truth is, to be the best version of ourselves, we often need a break or we need to do something for ourselves. Even just taking a long shower or eating a bowl of ice cream can help when you have no time. On a weekend, try going for a walk with a friend, or your dog or cook yourself a nice dinner. Or binge a few episodes of fun shows- everyone needs a little mind candy sometimes! It does not need to be anything crazy, especially if you are just learning how to take time for yourself, but remember that you deserve time to recharge and relax. Here are some helpful tips on how to best relax!
A helpful resource: